GET /account/hit_counts

Requests the month-to-date hit count statistics for the authenticated user account.

Note: This call is not rate-limited.




The authentication token received in response to the call to POST authentication_credentials or GET authentication_token. Applications should pass the authentication token in the custom "X-auth" HTTP header to avoid passing it in in the query string.



Only available for JSON format. If supplied, the response will use JSONP format with a callback of the given name.

Request Content Type



Returns a collection of HitCount resources in the requested format.

Response Content Type

application/json, application/javascript (JSONP), application/xml or text/csv as requested

Give It A Try...

Enter appropriate parameter values then click on the link which appears to try the API call...

Note: You must have JavaScript support enabled in your browser to use this feature.





Response format


Request Examples

GET /account/hit_counts?auth=e722fa0c702f42b68e2fdb771a80caed
GET /account/hit_counts.json?auth=e722fa0c702f42b68e2fdb771a80caed
GET /account/hit_counts.xml?auth=e722fa0c702f42b68e2fdb771a80caed
GET /account/hit_counts.csv?auth=e722fa0c702f42b68e2fdb771a80caed

Response Examples

JSON body:

    "Path": "GET /authentication_token",
    "Hits": 10
    "Path": "POST /authentication_credentials",
    "Hits": 1

XML body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ArrayOfHitCount xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <HitCount Path="GET /authentication_token" Hits="10" />
  <HitCount Path="POST /authentication_credentials" Hits="1" />

CSV body:

GET /authentication_token,10
POST /authentication_credentials,1