POST /authentication_credentials

Submits authentication credentials to authenticate a user account. Credentials can either be passed in the HTTP Authorization header (in the format "user username:password") in which case the body can be omitted, or within a Credentials resource.

Note: This call is not rate-limited.



Credentials resource containing the credentials for the authenticating user account.



Only available for JSON format. If supplied, the response will use JSONP format with a callback of the given name.

Request Content Type

application/json or application/xml


Returns an authentication token if authentication succeeds. The client application should store the authentication token and submit it with subsequent API calls. The authentication token expires 30 minutes after it is last used. Returns '401 Unauthorized' and an error message if authentication fails.

Response Content Type

application/json, application/javascript (JSONP), application/xml or text/csv as requested

Request Examples

POST /authentication_credentials

JSON body:

  "Username": "me",
  "Password": "my_password"

XML body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Credentials xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

Response Examples

JSON body:


XML body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

CSV body:
